

Un grand week end de tri et mise en carton.
51 cartons fermés,
13 sacs poubelles,
449 pages de magazines à garder absolument,
9 sacs en partance pour d'autres maisons,
7 boîtes de cd vides.
Je mangerais bien une part de tarte aux pommes avec un thé brulant, moi.

A great weekend of sorting and packing. 
51 cartons closed, 
13 trash bags, 
449 pages of magazines to keep absolutely, 
9 bags bound for other homes 
7 boxes of blank CDs. 
I would like eating a share of apple pie with a tea burning.

4 commentaires:

Guillaume a dit…

Bientôt tout en camion. Courage.

Sophie a dit…

SEULEMENT 13 sacs poubelles ! oh làlà m'étonne pas qu'il reste autant de cartons !!!
Nous aussi on a fait du tri... mais on n'avait pas de tarte aux pommes.

The Muse of The Day a dit…

When I was a child. Heléne, moving was a fantastic adventure. Like your son, boxes became opportunities for new inventions. The only move I didn't like was when I moved from Chile to the US. I remember being given a tiny suitcase with red flowers on it, the whole thing was no bigger than a school bag. I was told to go into my room and pack, what couldn't fit in the little bag had to stay behind. It seemed I was having to leave everything I treasured. Now that I am older, and have moved many times, I feel very differently about taking my stuff from one place to another. The next move, I would like to leave everything here for the next owners to take care of, watch over, organize, and clean around. I wouldn't even need the tiny bag with red flowers, for the only things I own that I can maintain easily are my thoughts.
Good luck with your move, I hope it becomes a fantastic adventure. Carolina

Emma a dit…

Tu le comptes dans les 51, celui de la troisième photo?

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